Saturday, January 3, 2009

Small Business Resistance to Search Ad Hype

By Mel Strocen in Mel Strocen's Blog

The Search Engine Watch blog had a post today citing figures from a Microsoft adCenter survey which revealed that 59% of small businesses don’t do paid search marketing and that 90% of that number hadn’t even tried. The survey was actually news on several blogs and news sites. Some simply related the survey results; others were surprised or tried to put their own spin on the facts.
See: and Search Engine Watch for more on this story.

One of the more amusing results from the survey was that “70% of small business owners said they would rather do their own taxes than start a search marketing campaign”.

Anyone running a small business would not be surprised by the survey’s results. Google may be the dominant player in the paid search arena but is really tapping into only those businesses that can afford exorbitant per click costs. The PPC concept works well if you have the money but it hardly provides a level playing field. To tap into that vast pool of small business money, some one has to launch an innovative, new and affordable search advertising model. That might be Microsoft or a new player. Time will tell.

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